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“Everything we are taught is false.”–Arthur Rimbaud. protested in his youth.–Henry Miller, THE TIME OF THE ASSASSINS.

Flicker Alley Laurel & Hardy: Year Two

The Messiah will come when we don’t need him anymore. Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.” (Mexicans and Canadians)

Experience NOSFERATU, A Symphony of Horror (1922) to a bone-chilling score created by Reg Hartt

One will do.

DOMO ARIGATO 3D (1973) Arch Oboler. Restored by The 3D Film Archive

Don’t think about making art.

Reg Hartt’s CineForum is about what the arts were all about and what they should about now.–Alexandre Hamel

You will be hated.

Vocation. Avocation.