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October at THE CineForum/The Public Enemy

3D FILMS OF HOLLYWOOD’S GOLDEN AGE (1952–55) Advertising, Publicity, Exploitation.

Reg Hartt speaks on Fritz Lang’s motion picture, METROPOLIS, the film that inspired Adolf Hitler.

Weaving our life out of the air.

A person who does not defend us when someone slanders us is our enemy too.

Experience KID DRACULA (NOSFERATU to RADIOHEAD) only at Reg Hartt’s CineForum in Toronto.

Reg Hartt comes out winning…

What else did Robert Kanigel get wrong in EYES ON THE STREET, a wonderful biography of a woman famous for walking who was anything but pedestrian?

9pm Saturday & Sunday, NOSFERATU A Symphony of Fear

7pm Saturday & Sunday, RADIOHEAD KID DRACULA