Category: Purpose

What else did Robert Kanigel get wrong in EYES ON THE STREET, a wonderful biography of a woman famous for walking who was anything but pedestrian?

The storm has passed.

Reg Hartt’s THE NIGHT THEY RAIDED ROCHDALE “When I ended it I wanted more.”–Jane Jacobs.

The minute someone enters my life this is what they become connected to…

Kino Lorber THE MAZE 3D (1953) Restored by The 3D Film Archive

With my eyes on the street I see a liar, a murderer and a child rapist, a trinity of foulness. Let’s clean up this city.

“Who turned my 14 year old daughter into a crack whore?” a mother in Toronto cried.

Chickenshit poets: “Why do you need a piece of paper? Don’t you trust your own mind?”–Chögyam Trungpa

Yes, Jesus is coming. Until then I AM in charge.

The Legend of Cú Chulainn, the Irish hero-demi-god has joined forces with Reg Hartt