The last time I sponsored Poetry here it was in the Russian style.
Poets were expected to get drunk, roar out their poems and were not to ask for criticism.
Saying, “Did you like it?” was absolutely forbidden.
For three months it went great.
Then a young woman from down the street came.
She said, “You people are always getting drunk and shouting at Reg’s and he is the worst. It is frightening. Why don’t you come down to my place?”
So they did.
She castrated my wonderful poets.
Then Al Aronowitz, the famed Blacklisted Outlaw Journalist, called.
He said, “Reg, your place is my favorite place on earth. I’d like to do a reading there.”
I set up a separate reading at The Toronto Press Club.
Robert Fulford, whom I consider Canada’s Preeminent journalist, said he would be glad to host it.
This was an incredible gift as the regulars at The Toronto Press Club are culturally illiterate.
The presence of Fulford gave the evening gravitas.
It also shook up those drunks ’cause they knew Bob is the best.
The next sessions were here.
We baked special marihuana cookies for Al who does not smoke pot as that destroys 90% of the THC (Al turned on THE BEATLES. They were so grateful they gave him part of an album.).
My now castrated poets came to The Toronto Press Club event.
I welcomed them to The Cineforum for the rest of Al’s presentations.
Then I kicked them out of my life.