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 Jane Jacobs’s son Jim authenticated a song co-authored by Bob Dylan entitled “Listen, Robert Moses.”  Here’s what Jim Jacobs has said, up to you to believe it or not:
“Jane and Bob Dylan wrote a song together. Jane needed a protest song for the fight against the Lower Manhattan Expressway in New York. A friend of ours, Harry Jackson, an artist, had a folk singer sleeping on his floor. He sent Dylan around to the house. Jane helped him, telling him how a protest song was structured and how it worked. I think it was the first protest song he ever wrote.

Finding Strength in Pain in Bloomingdale with Bob Dylan by Caitlin Hawke (

How to Write a Protest Song – Berklee Online Take Note

Petunia & The Vipers: Are you listening Toronto # 1

plus ARE YOU LISTENING TORONTO # 2 (this video needs a protest song) : 

Jane Jacobs taught Bob Dylan to write a protest song. It was titled, “Are you listening Robert Moses.”…

Listen, Robert Moses! (By Bob Dylan and Jane Jacobs) – YouTube

For 23 years Toronto has refused to listen while myself and others have been terrorized by the posting of anonymous flyers designed to incite hatred and violence upon us. BlogTO declared this a feud. THE GLOBE AND MAIL in a piece by Oliver Moore made it clear that it is not. Petunia lived with Reg Hartt. “Before transforming into a travelling troubadour he worked in the film industry, which eventually led him to the Cineforum, the legendary Toronto theatre run out of the film archivist Reg Hartt’s living room, and where Petunia lived and worked for a time. ‘The first time I saw him talk, I was sold,\’ Petunia said of Hartt.’We’ve been friends ever since. I learned everything I know about the business of being an artist from Reg. And believe it or not, I learned how to walk a little more gracefully from knowing him.’”…

Petunia wrote a protest song to help fight the efforts in Toronto to destroy Reg Hartt. Here it is set to video of the man responsible for destroying the street poster scene in Toronto as well as doing every thing possible to destroy Reg Hartt.    • “Forget about the movies. I’d rather …  

“Reg Hartt is the only person in Toronto who stands up,” said Ed Keenan: A city that sees value in rules, but no value in letting Reg Hartt bend them, has no right to claim Jane Jacobs’ legacy, writes Edward Keenan.…

Petunia is not the only artist who found his Muse with Reg Hartt. Says WIZTHEMC, “God led me to Reg Hartt.”


Bob Dylan’s Protest Song.

Write a protest song to support Reg Hartt’s battle against hate in Toronto, the city determined to destroy him. Title it, “Are you listening, Toronto?”

These videos need songs:


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